through reading
"Reparations through Reading" (RTR) is a transformative educational program designed to instill pride, cultural awareness, and self-esteem in young African heritage children. Through an extensive curriculum of African and Black history and heritage, RTR aims to empower children by providing positive, affirming knowledge of their roots, countering the historical neglect of African contributions and experiences in traditional education.
The program addresses the educational void left by centuries of systemic marginalization, using reading as a form of reparative education.
By the end of 4th grade, each child is challenged to complete a journey of reading, reciting, and reflecting on 1,000 books that represent the vastness of the African heritage experience across all seven continents.
This ambitious goal emphasizes not just literacy but also deep cultural engagement, philosophical reflection, and active participation in the historical narratives that shape their identity.
Program Goals
Cultural Affirmation:
Instill a sense of pride and belonging by immersing children in stories of African heritage and Black excellence across the world.
Knowledge Reparation:
Provide educational reparations by restoring the legacy of African heritage as a central part of each child’s learning journey.
Self-Esteem & Identity Formation:
Equip children with a strong, positive self-identity that celebrates and honors their heritage.
Literacy and Philosophical Development:
Foster advanced literacy and encourage philosophical thinking, allowing children to develop both academically and ethically as they approach upper elementary school.
Build Cultural Pride and Positive Self-Identity:
Children will develop a sense of pride in their African heritage through stories that reflect their cultural backgrounds, heroes, and contributions to society. The books celebrate African, Afro-Caribbean, African American, Afro-Latino, and other African Diaspora cultures, helping children to see their heritage with respect, dignity, and joy.
Historical Awareness and Philosophical Growth:
The program encourages a philosophical exploration of African and Black experiences, providing children with early exposure to influential figures, events, and movements across history. Children will learn to recite, write, and discuss African history, fostering critical thinking and a connection to their ancestors' resilience, creativity, and wisdom.
Global Perspective on African Heritage:
By reading books that cover African heritage experiences on the seven continents, children will gain a global perspective on the African diaspora, exploring stories from Africa, the Americas, Europe, Asia, and beyond. This worldwide view helps them appreciate the diversity within their heritage and feel connected to a global family.
Enhanced Literacy and Love of Reading:
Literacy is central to the program, with an emphasis on developing reading, comprehension, and writing skills. Through engaging, culturally relevant stories, children are inspired to read more often and with greater passion, setting them up for lifelong learning and literacy.
Complete a Thousand-Book Challenge:
The program sets a bold challenge: each child aims to read 1,000 African heritage books by the end of 4th grade. This ambitious goal is designed to immerse them in the literature, helping to normalize diverse narratives and providing a well-rounded view of African history and achievements.